

黑客专题访客2021-10-11 19:40:0010165A+A-





  • 最新网络安全法解读,以及对企业影响的分析
  • 物联网市场分析概括
  • 物联网网关的重要性
  • 网络运营商的支持在物联网安全的中的重要地位
  • 物联网新兴技术的发展及应用
  • 物联网安全在工业行业的挑战
  • 如何发展安全的智能工厂
  • 当一切事物都联网了,我们应该怎样做才能保障联网事物的安全
  • 联网汽车如何构建整体安全策略
  • 当‘僵尸网络’来了,我们能做些什么?
  • 智能安全-保护你的家庭安全和私隐的透明保镖
  • 请不要让联网医疗设备成为下一个物联网安全的噩梦
  • 怎样捆绑用户和硬件,来创造一个可靠地使用模式
  • 企业终端安全管理系
  • 智能电网安全问题


官方网站: http://www.ecvinternational.com/2017IoTSecuritySummit/cn.html


会议联系: Linda Jin

电话: +86 21 8026 0708-820

邮箱: Lindaj@ecvinternational.com

传真:+86 21 6605 2939

The China IoT Security Summit 2017 will be held on November 16-17, 2017 at Crowne Plaza Shanghai Noah Square, Shanghai.

IoT means our physical work is connected to the virtual world, and they could affect each other. IoT is no more a word but what is really happening in our daily life and production. The advanced technologies led to IoT developments including: machine-to-human communication, machine-to-machine communication, radio frequency identification, robotics and etc. According to IDC, the IoT market size will reach 170 billion dollars, and there will be 20 billion connected devices in 2020. In another hand, some hackers are also aimed at this huge market, there are many new type of IoT specified attacks, such as Mirai attack in the USA. The difference between IT security and IoT security is that IoT attacks could manipulate some physical devices, and may cause physical damages, the consequence could be not only financial lost, but also affect harm human’s safety. IoT security issues are the concerned by all the IoT industry stakeholders. In this case, to build a secured IoT ecosystem is essential to all the IoT business operators and users.

The China IoT Security Summit 2017 aims to bring together about 150+ the most influential experts, business leaders and researchers to analyze the IoT security market situation and the effects of China’s new version ‘Internet Security Law’, share the most popular IoT security technologies, and discuss the possible future of IoT security. This event will be a great platform to get a deep understanding of the market, learn knowledge and business networking.

The event topics will include:

  • IoT Gateways Secures Devices’ Communicationand Enables a Secured IoT Environment
  • Network Operator’s Support to the Protection IoT Security
  • IoT Platform’s Security Practice
  • Secured IoTCloud Platform Boost the Development of IoT Industry
  • ConvergeIT and OT to Accelerate Secured IIoT Ecosystem Development
  • Industrial Control Systems Security Gap Assessment Engages IIoT Development
  • Utilize the Advanced Technologies to Build Security in the Smart Plant
  • Panel Discussion: How to Achieve ‘Security’in the IoT Era
  • Designing Automotive Security For Connected Vehicles
  • EnsureSecurity of IoT from Botnet Attacks
  • Eliminate Smart Home Appliances Security Risks, Enhance User Safety
  • Medical Device in the IoT Era:Prioritize Security Measures
  • Binding the User and Devices to Create a Secured Usage Mode
  • Blockchain’s Potential of Solving IoT Security Threats
  • Machine Learning Helpsto Close IoT Vulnerabilities
  • Enhance Enterprise IoT Endpoint Security Management System
  • IoT-based Smart Grid Security Issues and Challenges

More details, please visit our official website:

Official Website:http://www.ecvinternational.com/2017IoTSecuritySummit/

If you have any question,please  contact us:

More Information: Linda Jin

Phone: +86 21 8026 0708-820

Email: Lindaj@ecvinternational.com

Fax: :+86 21 6605 2939

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  • 5条评论
  • 孤鱼栖迟2022-05-31 14:57:14
  • ecurity market situation and the effects of China’s new version ‘Internet Security Law’, share the most popula
  • 孤央橘亓2022-05-31 12:14:29
  • 20 billion connected devices in 2020. In another hand, some hackers are also aimed at this huge market, there are many n
  • 边侣乙白2022-05-31 11:46:21
  • dvanced technologies led to IoT developments including: machine-to-human communication, machine-to-machine communication, radio fr
  • 痴者怎忘2022-05-31 10:58:51
  • anagement SystemIoT-based Smart Grid Security Issues and ChallengesMore details, please visit our officia
  • 夙世春慵2022-05-31 14:10:40
  • rol Systems Security Gap Assessment Engages IIoT DevelopmentUtilize the Advanced Technologies to Build Security in the Smart PlantPanel Discussion:


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