

黑客平台访客2021-10-12 0:19:007584A+A-

  今日美国联邦调查局(FBI)宣布,调查人员已经断定索尼影业黑客攻击事件的幕后操纵者是朝鲜,随后国土安全部部长杰伊·约翰逊(Jeh Johnson)发表了一份声明,强烈谴责了此次网络攻击行为,并强调了其领导的部门(FBI等)在事件调查方面所做出的努力。称此次攻击不仅是对索尼影 业公司资产及员工的损害,更是对美国人民言论自由和自由生活方式的一次攻击。


  The cyber attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment was not just an attack against a company and its employees. It was also an attack on our freedom of expression and way of life.

  This event underscores the importance of good cybersecurity practices to rapidly detect cyber intrusions and promote resilience throughout all of our networks. Every CEO should take this opportunity to assess their company’s cybersecurity. Every business in this country should seek to employ best practices in cybersecurity. The Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies are here to help. We seek to raise the level of cybersecurity in both the private sector and civilian government, and provide timely information to protect all our systems against cyber threats. For businesses and other organizations that want to improve their cybersecurity, the Cybersecurity Framework is a great starting point and a great tool. It lays out best practices developed together by government and the private sector.

  We encourage all businesses and other organizations to use the Cybersecurity Framework to assess and limit cyber risks and protect against cyber threats.

  For tips and resources on how you can protect yourself and your organization from cyber threats, visit www.dhs.gov.



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  • 4条评论
  • 南殷卮留2022-06-03 22:50:13
  • 上映,美国总统奥巴马今日也对此事发表了正式的声明。 
  • 北槐戏侃2022-06-03 16:43:46
  • employ best practices in cybersecurity. The Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies are here to help. We seek to
  • 澄萌嘻友2022-06-03 17:15:56
  • work to assess and limit cyber risks and protect against cyber threats.  For tips and resources on how you can protect yourself and your organ
  • 语酌双笙2022-06-03 16:31:56
  • 上映,美国总统奥巴马今日也对此事发表了正式的声明。 


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