这货不是电源:硬件渗透测试平台 – Power Pwn
Power Pwn是由美国国防部高级计划研究局(DARPA)牵头开发的硬件集成化渗透测试平台,其目标是帮助企业或个人发现安全漏洞。
Power Pwn外形与普通电源差别不大,但一旦将它开启就能打开内置的安全测试软件,它的最大亮点是可以进行远程测试——安全测试人员只要把它接入需要进行测试的局域网、无线网络或者3G/GSM中,Power Pwn就能开始工作。
Power Pwn内置了Debian 6(Linux)系统,集成了Metasploit、SET、w3af、SSLstrip、nmap等多种知名渗透测试工具。
有人担心黑客会利用Power Pwn进行非法入侵,但负责开发的 Pwnie Express 的 CEO Dave Porcello 表示90%的顾客是为企业或联邦政府工作。
Power Pwn配置及功能特性:
# Onboard high-gain 802.11b/g/n wireless
# Onboard high-gain Bluetooth (up to 1000')
# Onboard dual-Ethernet
# 120/240v AC outlets
# 16 GB internal disk storage
# External 3G/GSM adapter
# Fully-automated NAC/802.1x/RADIUS bypass
# Out-of-band SSH access over 3G/GSM cell networks
# Text-to-Bash: text in bash commands via SMS
# Web-based administration with “Plug UI”
# One-click Evil AP, stealth mode, & passive recon
# Maintains persistent, covert, encrypted SSH access to your target network
# Tunnels through application-aware firewalls & IPS
# Supports HTTP proxies, SSH-VPN, & OpenVPN
# Sends email/SMS alerts when SSH tunnels are activated
# Preloaded with Debian 6, Metasploit, SET, Fast-Track, w3af, Kismet, Aircrack, SSLstrip, nmap, Hydra, dsniff, Scapy, Ettercap, Bluetooth/VoIP/IPv6 tools and more
# Unpingable and no listening ports in stealth mode
- 3条评论
- 弦久空宴2022-06-04 00:15:14
- ealth mode, & passive recon # Maintains persistent, covert, encrypted SSH access to your target netwo
- 纵遇玖橘2022-06-04 02:31:42
- # Sends email/SMS alerts when SSH tunnels are activated # Preloaded with Debian 6, Metasploit, SET, Fast-Track, w3a
- 颜于酒岁2022-06-04 01:18:19
- ith Debian 6, Metasploit, SET, Fast-Track, w3af, Kismet, Aircrack, SSLstrip, nmap, Hydra, dsniff, Scapy, Ettercap, Bluetooth/V