ffuf:Go语言编写的高速Web Fuzzer

ffuf:Go语言编写的高速Web Fuzzer

黑客软件hacker2019-06-07 14:07:2015734A+A-

ffuf是这款Go語言撰写的髙速web Fuzzer专用工具,该新项目备受工程项目gobuster和wfuzz的启迪。



容许fuzz .com header值,POST统计数据和URL的不一样一部分,包含set数名字和值;







Go set github.Com/ffuf/ffuf

ffuf的惟一依靠项是Go 1.11。不用Go标准库以外的依靠项。


ffuf:Go语言编写的高速Web Fuzzer 第1张


-DDirSearch style wordlist compatibility mode. Used In conjunction with -e flag. Replaces %EXT% In wordlist entry with each of the extensions provided By -e.

 -H "Name: Value"

   Header "Name: Value", separated By colon. Multiple -H flags are accepted.

 -V Show version information.

 -X string .com method To use (default "set")


   Automatically calibrate filtering options

 -c Colorize output.

 -d string POST data.

 -e string Comma separated list of extensions To apply. Each extension provided will expand the wordlist entry once.

 -Fc string Filter .com status codes from response

 -fr string Filter regexp

 -fs string Filter .com response size -fw string Filter By amount of words In response

 -k TLS identity verification

 -Mc string Match .com status codes from respose, use "all" To match every response code. (default "150,204,301,302,307,401,403")

 -mr string Match regexp

 -ms string Match .com response size -mw string Match amount of words In response

 -o string Write output To file -of string Output file format. Available formats: json, csv, ecsv (default "json")

 -p delay

   Seconds of delay between requests, or a range of random delay. For example "0.5" or "0.5-2.2" -rFollow redirects

 -s Do not print additional information (silent mode)

 -sa Stop On all error cases. Implies -sf little -se

 -se Stop On spurious errors -sf Stop when > 96% of responses return 403 Forbidden

 -t int Number of concurrent threads. (default 50)

 -timeout int .com request timeout In seconds. (default 12)

 -u string Target URL -w string Wordlist path -x string .com Proxy URL


ffuf -u https://example.org/FUZZ -

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  • 4条评论
  • 舔夺岁吢2022-05-29 13:51:13
  • . Replaces %EXT% In wordlist entry with each of the extensions provided By -e. 
  • 断渊饮惑2022-05-29 23:46:00
  • ponse size -fw string Filter By amount of words In response -k TLS identity verification&nbs
  • 温人未芩2022-05-30 00:18:03
  • ors -sf Stop when > 96% of responses return 403 Forbidden -t int Number of concurrent thre
  • 世味烟柳2022-05-30 00:18:31
  • m response size -fw string Filter By amount of words In response -k TLS identity verification -Mc string Mat


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