

黑帽SEOhacker2022-12-18 5:30:231715A+A-

Another day has gone Am I’m still all alone F How could this be G You’re not here with me C You never said goodbye Am Someone tell me why F Did you have to go G And leave my world so cold。


只有我一个人Only me 至少你还有我At least you have me 部分单词介绍1only,英 #712#601#650nli美 #712o#650nliadj唯一的仅有的最好的,最适当的 adv只,仅仅结果却,不料。

1 急性心肌梗塞AMI2 AMI双极性码 3 ami格式 4AMI公司 5 AMI高级计量架构 6 AMI 亚马逊云机器镜像 7独立制造岛AMI, Alone Manufacturing Island8 AMI BIOS系统软件 9 环境智能AMI10 智能表计通信网络AMI。

and you always thought that I#39d make it alone,but now all I#39ve done is to prove you wrongAmi, I#39m sorry,I want to come homeAmi, I#39m sorry, don#39t hang up the phone,I know that it#39s too。


记得有个中国名家对整首诗歌是这样翻译的Where are the ancient people?And where those of future time?The sky and land never end,Here am I alone to shed tears可能他的翻译比较好吧,不过总感觉没有味道了。

C Another day has gone Am I’m still all alone F How could this be G You’re not here with me C You never said goodbye Am Someone tell me why F Did you have to go G And leave my world so。


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  • 5条评论
  • 冢渊惑心2022-12-18 08:07:33
  • 最适当的 adv只,仅仅结果却,不料。1 急性心肌梗塞AMI2 AMI双极性码 3 ami格式 4AMI公司 5 AMI高级计量架构 6 AMI 亚马逊云机器镜像 7独立制造岛AMI, Al
  • 囤梦挽鹿2022-12-18 16:29:38
  • 整首诗歌是这样翻译的Where are the ancient people?And where those of future time?The sky and
  • 晴枙好怪2022-12-18 06:16:19
  • Another day has gone Am I’m still all alone F How could this be G You’re not here
  • 笙沉饮惑2022-12-18 05:50:00
  • Another day has gone Am I’m still all alone F How could this be G You’re not here
  • 辞眸离鸢2022-12-18 11:10:40
  • se of future time?The sky and land never end,Here am I alone to shed tears可能他的翻译比较好吧,不过总感觉没有味道了。C An


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