Memorable Quotes from The Matrix 1999ltlt黑客帝国1999经典台词 lt一 Trinity I know why you#39re here, Neo I know what you#39ve been doing I know why you hardly to sleep, why you live alone。
because I was once looking for the same thing And when he found me he told me that i wasn#39t really looking for himI was looking for an answer It#39s the question that drives us, Neo It。
- 4条评论
辞眸里予2023-10-09 17:54:25
- I was once looking for the same thing And when he found me he told me that i wasn#39t really looking for himI was looking for an answer It#39s
闹旅城鱼2023-10-09 19:42:03
- 厉害,因为很多视频都是恐惧和him近战,你想想能和神近战而不落下风,应该也很。
酒奴卮酒2023-10-09 20:45:46
- s once looking for the same thing And when he found me he told me that i wasn#39t really looking for himI was looking for an answer It#39s the qu