

黑客平台hacker2024-05-12 20:20:241175A+A-

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第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


1. What will the speakers do next?

A. Visit a friend.

B. Pick up Billy.

C. Buy some beans.

2. What does Andy Clarkes do?

A. A public librarian.

B. A TV actor.

C. A famous lawyer.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Gifts for Jason.

B. A baseball game.

C. The woman's retirement.

4. What went on at Cooper's last night?

A. A movie show.

B. A birthday party.

C. A sales promotion.

5. What problem do the speakers have?

A. They are late for work.

B. They are stuck in a traffic jam.

C. They are lost on the way.


第二节(共15小题,每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)




6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At home.

B. At the office.

C. At the airport.

7. How does the woman sound?

A. Anxious.

B. Surprised.

C. Grateful.


8. Why did the woman choose to be a teacher as a profession?

A. Because of the pressure from her family.

B. Because of the passion for the work.

C. Because of a teacher's encouragement.

9. What does the woman think is the best part of her job?

A. Being with children.

B. Winning others' respect.

C. Learning different things.

10. What does the woman want her students to be?

A. Lifelong learners.

B. Creative thinkers.

C. Good communicators.


11. Why does the woman like living with her parents?

A. They have a big house.

B. They can cook meals for her.

C. They pay all the expenses.

12. What does Ethan suggest the woman do?

A. Have patience.

B. Provide company.

C. Move out.

13. Why is Ethan concerned about his parents living on their own?

A. They may feel lonely.

B. They may fail to get along.

C. They may have emergencies.


14. Whose speech did the woman listen to this morning?

A. John Miller's.

B. David Thompson's.

C. Alan Brown's.

15. What is the workshop about?

A. Economy knowledge.

B. Risk assessment.

C. Employee motivation.

16. What does the woman think of her job?

A. Challenging.

B. Interesting.

C. Rewarding.

17. What do the speakers both want to do?

A. Find a new position.

B. Raise employees' salaries.

C. Improve management skills.


18. What does the speaker do?

A. A medical doctor.

B. A fitness instructor.

C. A swimming coach.

19. What is the common mistake people make in workouts?

A. Focusing on only muscle training.

B. Doing too many types of workouts.


C. Keeping the same routine all the time.

20. How often does the speaker suggest people do hard workouts?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Three times a week.


Text 1

M: Billy needs some beans for his science project at school. Maybe we can stop by a store on our way home.

W: Let’s go to Greens. It’s just around the corner.

M: Okay.

Text 2

W: Hi, Stephen, guess who I saw at the city library? Andy Clarkes — the leading actor in The Good Lawyer — the famous TV series.

M: What was he doing there? His popularity has slipped since the final season of the show.

Text 3

W: It seems as if everybody is talking about Jason’s retirement.

M: Yes, his office is filled with gifts. I gave him a T-shirt with a baseball pattern on it.

W: That’s nice. I’ll get him something this afternoon. Hope it’s not late.

Text 4

W: Did you go to Cooper’s last night?

M: No, was there anything special?

W: Yes, the employees dressed up as movie characters, and every customer received a discount card.

M: That was interesting.

Text 5

W: Oh, the road is jammed with traffic again. We are going to be late for work.

M: Let’s make a U-turn at the next crossroads and try another way.

Text 6

W: Do you think Janet could make it?

M: I’m sure she can. Have you tried calling her?

W: Yes, of course. But I can’t get through. The flight has already been called twice. What are we going to do? Board without her? I should have reminded her at the office yesterday. She may have totally forgotten it.

M: Take it easy, Sarah. Let me call her home number. Oh, there she is.

Text 7

M: Welcome to our program, Miss Johnson. Congratulations on winning the Teacher of the Year award.

W: Thank you, Peter. I’m more than happy to be here.

M: What inspired you to be a teacher, Miss Johnson?

W: Well, I’ve always loved to learn, but I’ve enjoyed teaching others even more. It’s in the family.

M: Could you tell us what the best part about your job is?

W: Getting to know all of the different kids and communicating with them. I have always loved kids. So, I will always enjoy that part of my job.

M: Then, what do you hope to achieve by being a teacher?

W: My goal is to help my students develop awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and learning needs, and to enable them to learn throughout their lives.

M: That sounds great.

Text 8

W: Ethan, have you thought about getting your own house?

M: Yeah. But I’m convinced my parents love having me back. What about you?

W: Um... Not sure yet. Right now, I enjoy getting my meals cooked for me every day.

M: Do you pay a contribution to the house?

W: Of course, I do. But it’s still much less than I would pay to live in my own flat. Right?

M: Obviously.

W: The only thing I don’t like is that my mom wants to know every part of my life. “Becky, what are you doing tomorrow?” “Where?” “With whom?” The same questions every day.

M: Moms are like that. They ask because they care. You’ve got to be patient with them. My parents ask those questions too, but I may not move out soon. The thought of leaving them fills me with fear. “What if one of them falls over?” “What if they both have a fall together?”

W: That would be terrible.

Text 9

W: It’s a pretty good conference, huh?

M: Yeah. All speakers are well-known and knowledgeable in the subject matter. Did you listen to John Miller’s speech on how to avoid business risks this morning?

W: No, I missed that one. I went to a speech at Alan Brown Hall. The speaker was David Thompson.

M: Oh, that should be a good one, too. I attended his lecture last year. By the way, there will be a workshop this afternoon on how to motivate employees. Are you interested?

W: Sure. I was promoted to the position of manager a few months ago. And I have to manage a staff of 12 people. It can be quite a difficult situation sometimes. That’s why I am here today.

M: Same here. I only have seven people reporting to me. Yet, sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out. I need to find a way to create harmony within my department.

Text 10

W: Welcome to Star Fitness Club. I’m Tina Harrison. Before you start, I’d like to offer you some tips. We all know that regular exercise is important, but few of us know how to exercise properly. I’ve seen many people make the same workout mistakes in this place. One mistake people often make is sticking to the same routine. It is not good for building up your muscles. I’d like to suggest that you change your routine every other month. What’s more, you can try different kinds of workouts, such as jogging, biking, or swimming. This can help keep your whole body in shape. Another mistake most people make is to workout intensely almost every day. You need to give your body a break, and allow time for the muscles to grow. It is not the harder the better. Two hard workout days every week is enough. If you really hate to skip a day, you can plan easy exercises on other days. However, experts’ suggestion is that you take one day off completely each week.



11—15BACBC 16—20 ACBCB


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  • 5条评论
  • 忿咬晴枙2024-05-13 04:25:47
  • th her parents?A. They have a big house.B. They can cook meals for her.C. They pay all the expenses.12. What does Ethan sugg
  • 柔侣风渺2024-05-13 00:58:18
  • h at Alan Brown Hall. The speaker was David Thompson.M: Oh, that should be a good one, too. I attended his lecture last year. By the
  • 柔侣澄萌2024-05-13 01:38:30
  • uck in a traffic jam. C. They are lost on the way. 展开全文第二节(共15小
  • 馥妴二囍2024-05-12 21:33:42
  • 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the speakers d


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